International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which was established on December 17th, 1999, by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
NefroCenter has always paid particular attention to the female world, raising awareness on prevention.

In fact, women who are victims of abuse tend to overlook their own health by not undergoing the necessary screening tests. For this reason, NefroCenter takes part in the Donne event, in collaboration with the Unesco chair of Federico II University of Naples.

Violence against women in healthcare facilities


Violence doesn’t happen exclusively inside the family circle. The abuse on the workplace have to be fought as well.

Inside Italian healthcare facilities, as many as 10% of women who work there have claimed to have suffered violence or abuse. The source is an INAIL investigation which underlined the harassment cases on the workplace.

9 out of 10 cases that see women as the victims at work do not involve colleagues. In fact, verbal and physical violence is perpetrated by patients, family members or outsiders.

History of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was established after three political activists – the Mirabal sisters – were killed by order of dictator Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic.
For more than twenty years, the day has had the purpose of raising public awareness on the issue of violence against women.

Their deaths helped stirring consciences against the Trujillo regime. The three sisters were killed, but the dictator ordered that their deaths should’ve been passed off as accidents.
The three corpses loaded into the car became the spark that also brought down US support to the regime.

The numbers of a silent war

According to ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics), women are mainly victims of violence from their husbands (39,1%) and partners (36,3%).
The family circle still represents the main environment for episodes of abuse, which fall under the category of domestic violence.

It can manifest itself in different forms: physical (44,1%), psychological (34,1%) or sexual (6,1%). Threats, harassments and economic privations are forms of violence as well.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women has the important duty to decisively raise awareness against these “intolerable numbers”, as the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella called them.

Events, initiatives and flash mobs will be held all around Italy’s squares to raise awareness and discuss this important issue.

The symbol of this Day will be a couple of red heeled shoes with the catchphrase: “the only reason I have to lower my head is to look at my shoes”.

Helping women through prevention

NefroCenter is always at the forefront for the defense, protection and care of women, through its commitment and its events. Our group is present at various initiatives, including the Festival della salute e del benessere femminile in Naples. An event characterized by free on-site medical examinations and based on important social issues such as gender-based violence and bullying.

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